Out of Interest
Dan’s show was delayed once (covid), delayed again (gallery construction) then delayed a third time (gallery moving to another floor). In that time, almost two year’s worth of delays, the idea for the exhibition morphed from one thing to another until Dan came up with the high concept of a group show by a solo artist. So it’s like a group show, but all the work is made by Dan. I know group shows usually have an underlying theme that pins all the work together, but in this instance I take it to mean that it is an exhibition of disparate works that aren’t necessarily connected in a way that you might expect from a solo exhibition. It is as if Dan is giving himself his own survey show. We are presented with works familiar from Dan’s oeuvre: new versions of works we’ve seen before, bits of old works repurposed into new works, and new never seen before works.
– Simon Zoric 2022, from the catalogue essay Out of Interest (Dan Moynihan’s Suspension of Disbelief)
Image: Dan Moynihan No Need for Alarm 2022

Mixed Emotions
Dan Moynihan’s newest solo exhibition, following The Least I Could Do (2016). Moynihan also has a new mirrored brick commission Public Display of Reflection on view at Lyon Housemuseum until 21 July.
Image: Dan Moynihan Work in Progress (detail) 2006-2007, adhesive stickers and paint, dimensions variable.

No More Lonely Nights